Friday, May 1, 2015

How to learn Spanish - take the first step

I never realized how difficult learning a language could be until I had to go to Japan. I tried to rush learning a few key words, but after my business trip there, I soon forgot most of what I had learned. Surprisingly though, I still know some words and phrases. The mind is a very interesting thing. With a little practice and perseverance, you too can retain words and phrases from another language. What matters is that you try to learn. Taking the fist step is the most difficult. once you get going, momentum will keep you going. The best momentum is to actually use it. When you realize that you can communicate with others in their native language, the reward is easy to see. There are many ways to learn Spanish, just like any other foreign language. If you have friends or relatives who know the language, have them speak it to you. learn online - youtube for example. Or visit websites such as mine and millions of others. Listen to music, stories, etc in Spanish. Or if you prefer, and have a few dollars buy a course. It is said that if you spend a few dollars, you will appreciate it more. This is applicable to learning Spanish as well. There is always Rosetta Stone or you can opt for something less known, and probably less expansive. There are literally thousands of products out there. One such product is this one: Click Here!. It looks pretty good and has good testimonials. Give it a try and put in some real effort. You should be taking Spanish in no time. Spanish is a structured language that can be learned quickly if you really put your mind to it. I also recommend that you get a copy of the book titled "500 Spanish Verbs". Once you learn to conjugate verbs in Spanish, you can get along in Spanish conversations. Good Luck!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Chupacabra Found in Texas? (Goat Sucker)

I just read here, that the famed Chupacabra (Goat Sucker) has been found in Texas. In Mexico, this "thing" has been known about for a long time now. I recently was talking to some of my co-workers about this. They laughed about it, and at me, I'm sure. For years, the Mexican people have known and even written corridos about this chupacabra.

Named because of the way it sucked all the blood from goats, the Chupacabra has been leaving fear in its tracks for many years now.
First spotted in Puerto Rico in 1994, the Chupacabra has since migrated off the island and has recently been spotted in many locations including South America as well as the US. Although it was named because of its choice of goat-blood as a meal, the Chupacabra has reportedly attacked and devoured the blood of a wide variety of animals including dogs and sheep. As far as we know, there have yet to be any human fatalities.
It has been hard to describe the appearance of El Chupacabra because sightings greatly differed. Most said it was either gray or green. Some had said it had a large lizard-like tongue, others said it had wings.
A bipedal creature (one that stands upright like a human), the Chupacabra had had many sightings where its height was reported to be anywhere from 3 and 6 feet tall. Some said it walked, some said it flew, and some said it had a kangaroo hop.

But I guess we now have clear pictures of it. The article describes the chupacabra as a mutation of a dog-wolf species. Ugly creature if you ask me. I guess the hundreds of sightings have been for real - not just make believe. And it continues to give credibility to the Mexican Corrido - songs that talk about people or things that have occurred for real; often historical songs.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

To complete the first section, I have also now added Despedidas (Farewell, Good Bye) vocabulary words. Please go to the vocabulary link below. Please check regularly as I will be adding more to all my sections. You should bookmark this page to check up on it regularly.
I have added more vocabulary in my Basic Spanish Vocabulary below, please follow my link at bottom of page, where it says links - just click on the vocabulary link. I had posted Greetings before, so I added Responses to Greetings. If you are interested in certain words just let me know.

Translations from English to Spanish, plus pronunciation help

Hi, we did a corporate session a couple of years ago where we translated several skits from English to Spanish. This was done to educate our fellow coworkers in the Spanish Language. A lot of work went into this project, so I will share with you so that if you want to do this or something similar, you have a head start. Please go to my Translation link below to view the translations. They follow the same format:

English sentence, followed by Spanish translation, followed by phonetic pronunciation. Enjoy! Please comment on these.
I have added a simple to understand Verb Conjugation. If you are interested, please visit my Grammar section by clicking on the grammar link below. It will take you to my grammer blog. Thanks!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Link Exchange - We HIGHLY recommend this easy to use link exchange tool.

This website (blog) is dedicated to
those interested in the Spanish Language. Whether you are taking
a class or just curious about the language, please bookmark this page
as your source of information. I will make sure
to update this site with lots of examples and lessons and all else that
can be of help to you. If you need something in specific, please post a question or comment on this blog site or contact me at
I will try to accommodate all reasonable requests.



I am an engineer (Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering) but I
got a minor in Spanish from the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando, FL (4.0/4.0). I am a native speaker.

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  • Basic Spanish Vocabulary

  • Spanish Translation

  • Hispanic History

  • Spanish Grammar

  • Authentic Southern Mexican Food

  • Tampa Hispanic Events Calendar
